2935 CHG pavillion 029

Best Rate Guarantee

2935 CHG pavillion 029

Best Rate Guarantee

This online rate guarantee covers each hotel under the Capital Hotel Group brand.

You'll get the best online rate for any CHG Hotel guest room or apartment on capitalhotelgroup.com.au guaranteed.* After you have purchased the lowest available rate on capitalhotelgroup.com.au, if you find a rate for the same hotel, room type, number of guests and check-in and check-out dates available on another website and it is lower than the rate you have just purchased from our website, we will match that lower rate and give you a further 10% off.

Decide on your preferred room type (including check-in and check-out dates) and purchase the best available rate online at capitalhotelgroup.com.au.

Within 24 hours of your purchase, if you find another website that has a retail rate available for the same hotel, room type, number of guests, check-in and check-out dates which is lower than your purchase price, call the hotel direct to register your claim.

Once we have verified the availability of the Lower Online Rate (defined below), we'll offer you 10% off that rate per night for your booking.


* Terms & Conditions:

The guarantee applies only to rates for CHG hotels purchased online at www.capitalhotelgroup.com.au

Claims under this guarantee must be made within 24 hours of the accommodation being purchased. Claims must be made by calling the hotel direct - not through any other CHG Hotels phone number.

The accommodation purchased by you must be the lowest available rate for your chosen hotel and room type. If there is a lower rate available for the same hotel and room type on www.capitalhotelgroup.com.au and you do not purchase it, then you do not qualify for the guarantee.

"Lower Online Rate" is defined as being a published retail rate available via a website operated by another CHG Hotel online retailer for the exact same hotel, room type, number of guests, check-in and check-out dates, cancellation policy and payment terms that is cheaper than the published retail rate purchased on capitalhotelgroup.com. Corporate, package promotion, wholesaler, group travel, online auction or member-only sites, government and other discount rates are not eligible.

CHG Hotels must be able to verify the availability for purchase of the Lower Online Rate online at the time of claim. Other methods of verification (e.g. fax, email) are not acceptable. If CHG Hotels cannot reasonably verify (in its sole discretion) the availability of the Lower Online Rate at the time the claim is made by phone then it may decline the claim.

Once a genuine rate difference has been established, we will modify the room rate you are to be charged.

The refund is the sole and exclusive benefit that will be provided under this guarantee.

CHG Hotels reserve the right to terminate this guarantee at any time without notice.

This guarantee is not valid with any other offers, promotions or discounts.

What would you like to do?


We have a room for everyone, stay at one of our contemporary hotels located in the heart of Canberra.


Dine with us, whether it's for breakfast, lunch or dinner, with your family friends of colleagues.


Looking to book your next function in Canberra? We can help your organise the perfect venue.

We have a room for everyone, stay at one of our contemporary hotels located in the heart of Canberra.

Dine with us, whether it's for breakfast, lunch or dinner, with your family friends of colleagues.

Looking to book your next function in Canberra? We can help your organise the perfect venue.

How many guest?


Have you got more than 10 guests? Contact us

When are you coming?

How long will you stay with us?
